
 How can I secure my VPS?

If you own, or run a Virtual Private Server, or Dedicated server on the internet, then you need...

 How can I set a nice looking bash prompt on my Linux VPS?

Add the following lines to the end of /etc/profile PS1="\[\e]2;\u@\H...

 How do I backup my cPanel VPS?

In order to backup your cPanel VPS to your remote FTP backup account, you need to login to your...

 How do I change my VPS's hostname

If you want to change your Virtual Private Server's hostname, you first need to login to your VPS...

 How do I install WHMxtra?

You need to login to your VPS / Dedicated Server via SSH as root, and run the following commands:...

 How to change SSH default port

Most script kiddies & crackers will first try and telnet to a server to see if Telnet is...

 How to enable SPF and Domains Keys server-wide

If you need to enable SPF Keys and Domain Keys server-wide, then follow these instructions:...

 How to get an email notification when someone logs into SSH

One neat trick, is to receive an email when someone logs into your VPS via SSH. Generally, only...

 Useful Linux Security Guides Intrusion Detection Firewalls

 What is a Virtual Private Server?

A Virtual Private Server, or VPS is simply put, a "slice" of a dedicated server. Dedicated...

 cPanel VPS Quickstart quide.

Ok, so you got your new cPanel VPS, what now?We've put together a few things that you need to do...

 how do I disable root logins?

Disabling direct root login to your VPS is almost a must!...

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